Digital Play: Social network sites and the well-being of young children (ARC DECRA)
CCI associate researcher Donell Holloway had been awarded this DECRA which will map the benefits, risks and competencies associated with the children's rapidly changing internet use and develop recommendations for parents and policy makers.
Noongar kaatdijin bidi – Noongar knowledge networks; or, Why is there no Noongar Wikipedia? (ARC Discovery Indigenous)
CCI node leader John Hartley, with colleagues Len Collard, Kim Scott and Niall Lucy, will use the Noongar language to model and assess the extent to which minority languages can thrive by using globally accessible internet technologies. It will generate critical insights into the relations between knowledge, culture and technology and investigate how oral and informal knowledge sources can be accessed for a text-based website in the digital era. The outcomes of this project will include a greater understanding of how to link technology with users for community sustainability, as well as further insights into how social learning can be improved via interacting online networks.
The Moral and Cultural Economy of the Mobile Phone in the Pacific (ARC Discovery)
CCI associate researcher Heather Horst, with colleague Robert Foster, will undertake this research which will histor