Welcome to 14th CCI Symposium
Over the past 8 years CCI has sought to make the idea of innovation in and through the creative industries a mainstream policy consideration, deepen it for academic engagement, and apply it for industry and community benefit.
China - Australia High Level Talks
The Australia-China High-Level Talks is a major project initiated by La Trobe University (the Centre for Dialogue and the Centre for China Studies) in partnership with Peking University, the Australia China Business Council, the State Government of Vict…
Welcome to 2014 IJCCI
"Cultural Wisdom and Positive Creativity" are the central triggers to the development of cultural and creative industries. Selected papers of the conference will be recommended for publications in the International Journal of Cultural and Creative Indus…
2012 Symposium
The 5th International Alliance of the Cultural and Creative Industries Symposium follows successful events Taipei, Beijing, London and Seoul.
2011 Symposium
The 4th International Association Cultural & Creative Industries Symposium which initiated by the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) will hosted in Seoul on 26th~27th August 2011.
2010 Symposium
The 3rd International Symposium of the IACCI hosted by Lord Bilimoria, president UK India Business Council, founder of Cobra Beer is arranged by London Metropolitan University with its Chinese and Australian partners.
2009 Symposium
This year's International Seminar Network on Cultural Industries will be held at the Peking University with the theme of "Chinese Culture 'Go Global' and National Cultural Brand Building".
2008 Symposium
The first International Seminar Network on Cultural Industries was successfully held in Taiwan in 2008 with the theme of "International Convergence of Media Technology, Creative Industry and Cultural Economy".