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"Cultural Wisdom and Positive Creativity"

19-21 November 2014 

"Cultural Wisdom and Positive Creativity" are the central triggers to the development of cultural and creative industries. Selected papers of the conference will be recommended for publications in the International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries (www.ijcci.net). 

CULTURAL WISDOM. Culture is the accumulation of ways of thinking and doing things -life wisdoms -that are passed from generations to generations in intangible forms such as values, ethics, and social norms and formulated into tangible forms such as arts, music, clothing, celebrations, festivals, culinary, and many more. Regardless the shapes and forms of its carriers, culture is the result of humanity's responses to the external forces, which have been selectively filtered, internalized, and accumulated into the current best design of living for the society it belongs to. Papers under the theme of "Cultural Wisdom" will talk about the following topics, but not limited to: works in cultural industries, institutional design of society, cultural cities, public service and policies in cultural and creative industries, contemporary thoughts with culture as its core, forms of positive cultural enforcement, methods of wisdom transferring which stem from what have been learned by the generations before and passed to the next with the sole objective of promoting human's civilization. 

POSITIVE CREATIVITY. looking at the process of creativity, instead of seeing innovation as a reaction to solving a problem (reactivity to negativity), "Positive Creativity" is proposed as a way of seeing innovation as a proactive mean of promoting a better life without being preceded by problems at the first place. The best work of human's creativity comes from thinking beyond boundaries and achieving further than expectations, providing different perspectives to the existing beliefs and systems. Great works are often inspired by the existing surroundings, combination of the odds, the minds of many, improvements of previous works, among others which result in works that will inspire the next great works. Papers under the theme of "Positive Creativity" will talk about the following topics, but not limited to: co-creation process, cross 

disciplinary collaborations, creativity and its relationship to culture, creativity education, creative cities, the process of innovation in creative works, works in the creative industries -those papers that illustrate the triggers, process, and results of creative productions. 


Important dates: 

Announcement of call for abstracts/papers      February 2014 

Deadline for abstract submission                     April 2014 

Abstract selection process                               April -May 2014 

Announcement for accepted abstracts             May 2014 

Deadline for full paper submission                   September 2014 

Conference dates                                            November 19 -21, 2014 


Contact: ottavia@mail.ncku.edu.tw 

Website: www.ijcci.net

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