Australian Television and International Mediascapes
This book addresses current debates about globalization and culture by tracing the emergence of Australia as a significant exporter of television to the world market. The authors investigate why Australian programs have found international popula…
A Study on Regional Cultural Industries of China
Title: A Study on Regional Cultural Industries of China Author: Xiang Yong, Yu Wenyi Publisher: Ocean and Sky Press(China) Publication Date: January, 2007 Language: Chinese
Human Resource Development of Cultural Industries
Title: Human Resource Development of Cultural Industries Author: Xiang Yong Publisher: Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House(China) Publication Date: September, 2006 Language: Chinese
In The Vernacular: A Generation of Australian Culture and Controversy
Collecting important works from one of Australia's leading scholars of media, culture, and policy, this study brings sharper focus upon both historical and industrial contexts. Engaging with the global debate on multiethnic societies by focusing …
Creative Leadership
Title: Creative Leadership Author: Xiang Yong Publisher: Peking University Press(China) Publication Date: July, 2011 Language: Chinese
Management and Creativity: From Creative Industries to Creative Management
Title: Management and Creativity: From Creative Industries to Creative Management Author: Chris Bilton Translator: Xiang Yong Publisher: New World Press(China) Publication Date: June, 2010 Language: Chinese
The Annual Report on International Cultural Trade of China(2010)
Annual Report on International Cultural Trade of China is co-authored by Bureau for External Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture of the PRC and Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University (ICIPKU). This research report comprehensive…
The Media and Communications in Australia
A fully revised edition of the leading Australian introductory text on media studies, incorporating extensive analysis of the impact of communications. Title: The Media and Communications in Australia Editor: Stuart Cunningham, Graeme Turner, J…
The Annual Development Report of Chinese Cultural Industries (2011)
The Annual Development Report of Chinese Cultural Industries is mainly initiated by Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University (ICIPKU) and National Research Base of Cultural Industries Innovation and Development and collaborated by wel…