Seventh Symposium of the International Association of Cultural and Creative Industries (IACCI)
First international Research Symposium on Culture and Creative Industries in Berlin
23th October 2014 / Berlin
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
8.30 Registration and Coffee
9.30 – 10.00 Welcome and Opening Ceremony
Michael SOENDERMANN, Director Office for Culture Industries Research (KWF) Cologne/Berlin, Germany
Patricia WALKER ALLMOND, Non Executive President of the International Association of Cultural
and Creative Industries (IACCI), Beijing/Hong Kong, China
N.N., German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Berlin, Germany
Gesa BIRNKRAUT, Professor University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrueck, Germany
10.00 – 11.30 Theme 1:Is the idea of creativity the most important concept of the 21st century? Are the jobs of the future to be found in the cultural and creative sector?
Françoise BENHAMOU, Professor Centre of Economy of Sorbonne Sorbonne Paris, France
Dimiter GANTCHEV, Acting Director, Culture and Creative Sectors, WIPO, Geneva, Switzerland
Anthony, KRAUSE, Chief Policy and Research Unit in the Section of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, UNESCO Paris, France
Justin O’CONNOR, Professor Communications and Cultural Economy at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Jian-gang ZHANG, Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, China
Albrecht GOESCHEL, Consultant, former Project Manager at German Institute of Urban Affairs, Berlin, Germany
Michael HUTT