Welcome to the International Association of Cultural & Creative Industries (IACCI)
IACCI is a strategic cooperative association for international cultural communication and industry cooperation, with the mission of fully exploring the cooperation possibilities among the association members, promoting the integration of resources in and out of the association, constructing international cooperative platform and accelerating the development of international cultural industries.

11.30 – 11.45 Coffee Break
11.45 – 12.45 Theme 2: Is it possible to determine the ‘true’ value of culture and creative industries through empirical research?
Hasan BAKHSHI, Director, Creative Economy, Policy & Research, NESTA London, UK
José PESSOA, Head of Culture Statistics, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada
Dorota WEZIAK-BIALOWOLSKA, Joint Research Centre, EU Commission, Ispra, Italy
Cornelia DÜMCKE, Director Culture Concepts, Berlin, Germany
Andreas Joh. WIESAND, Professor and Director Compendiumof Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe, Council of Europe/ ERICarts Strasbourg, France/ Bonn, Germany
12.45 – 14.15 Lunch & Networking // Press conference
14.15 – 15.15 Theme 3: Open topics
Ying FAN, PhD, Peking University, Beijing, China
Hristina MIKIC, Director, Creative Economy Group Belgrade, Serbia
Expert Group Cultural Economics and Creative Industries/ Compendium of Cultural Policies, Council of Europe/ ERICarts Strasbourg, France/ Bonn, Germany
Charles KNEVITT, British Expert, London, UK
Yongliang XIAO, Professor, Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry at the Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Christoph BACKES, Director u-institute at the University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany
Patricia WALKER ALLMOND, Non Executive President of the International Association of Cultural and Creative Industries (IACCI), Beijing/Hong Kong, China