Welcome to the International Association of Cultural & Creative Industries (IACCI)
IACCI is a strategic cooperative association for international cultural communication and industry cooperation, with the mission of fully exploring the cooperation possibilities among the association members, promoting the integration of resources in and out of the association, constructing international cooperative platform and accelerating the development of international cultural industries.


Non-Executive President
Patricia Walker Allmond
Senior Research Fellow GPI
Email: p.walkerpku@gmail.com

Executive Secretary-General
NIU Shulian
Peking University
Email: niusl@icipku.org

Executive Members
LEE Young Koo
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Email: ykli@hufs.ac.kr

Executive Members
XIAO Yongliang
Beijing Normal University
Email: leon21st@163.com

Executive Members
SHER J. Peter
National Chi Nan University, Taiwan
Email: sher@ncnu.edu.tw

JIA Leilei
Chinese National Academy of Arts
Email: Jialeilei1008@126.com